Saturday, September 9, 2017

About Me!

I'm pretty sure that I had an "About Me" post when I first made my blog, but that's probably been well over a year ago, and maybe almost two years ago, so I'm going to start over and re-introduce myself!

My name is Courtney, and I am 20 years old, I turn 21 in December. I live in Tomah, Wisconsin with my boyfriend and I work in Sparta.  I attend college at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin where I am studying to become a registered nurse.  If you're from the La Crosse area, you know why I chose Viterbo for nursing.  ðŸ˜‰

My boyfriend, Dusty, and I have been together for about six months now.  A longer description of our relationship will come in a later post, but for now I'll give a "general summary."  Dusty and I originally met on Facebook because of one mutual friend, and we eventually added each other on Snapchat.  Long story short, I agreed to meet him at his house for a New Year's Eve party, and the rest is history...even though I didn't agree to date until about three months later.  ðŸ˜œ

I currently work in home health care, but I plan to get a job as a CNA soon before my certification expires.  I love my current job and plan to stay at it throughout college, and possibly even after as long as I still live in the area.  As for CNA experience, there is a nursing home, a hospital, and a VA medical center in town that I plan to apply to.

As for nursing school, it is exhausting.  The classes are hard, the scheduling is crazy, and the amount of work is insane.  This fall semester, I begin my clinical experience, so that is something to look forward to.  "Clinical" means that I get to go out into the health care setting and actually act as a nurse.  We have class time where we learn the skills, and then we get into a small group with an instructor, and then we get to go to the setting and practice the skills.  This first semester we get to go into a gerontology setting, and I am so excited!  I can't wait to hear the resident's stories and learn from what experiences they have been through.  As for why I chose Viterbo, there's just something about "those Viterbo nurses" and, as students, we hear it every day from our professors.  The skills that we possess that many "other" nurses do not, are love, compassion, and empathy.  I, personally, cannot wait to get out into the health care setting to care for others.

As for this blog, it's a rather hit and miss kind of thing.  I'm a very dedicated student, so I don't end up posting much during the school year because I keep my grades at the top of my priority list.  I also end up picking up a lot of hours during the summer, so I don't end up posting much then either.  Like I said, hit or miss.  I'd say check in every two or three months for a new post, and you should be all caught up.  ðŸ˜Š

That's about all I can think of to say about myself right now.  It's like the first day of classes and every teacher thinks it will be a great idea to do an "ice-breaker" activity with personal introductions and suddenly you're like "Oh crap! Who am I?!"

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