Friday, July 1, 2016

Fitness Mini Journeys

I would consider my fitness journey a series of mini journeys. While in high school, physical activity was built into the schedule, one semester of gym class freshman, sophomore, and junior or senior year; but as soon as you graduate and enter the "real world" there is no longer a requirement to be physically active. I have a Pinterest account and have many boards relating to fitness, and every now and then I'll go through and do a couple of the activities. But with only 24 hours in a day, it gets hard to fit everything in.

Throughout the summer of 2015 I worked at a Boys and Girls Club in town in the afternoons, so I had plenty of time to workout in the morning and on weekends. Many times I would go to Pinterest and find a workout to do, go for a run/walk, workout with one of the many workout videos that my family has, or do some Wii Dance Party.
As I entered college in the fall of 2015, working out became more of a struggle. The homework load was overwhelming and I was trying to stay ahead of the game with the Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) readings. Many times I would end up doing some sort of workout while studying notes in my dorm room while my roommate was away. A couple of times I went for walks around campus and sometimes a bit farther away. I did more physical activity than most freshman year, but it wasn't as much as I would have liked.
Fast-forward to this summer, the summer of 2016. Straight out of college I started the nursing assistant course which ate up most of my evenings and kept me very tired. Some days my mom would call me and ask for my help while she was at work, and other days my boyfriend would ask me to help him at his house. I kept busy, but finding time to workout was hard. After class was finished, I started babysitting two days a week and spent a lot of my free time at my boyfriend's. It's been pretty easy to get caught up in how much I have going on and run out of time for workouts. Some days I lose motivation, and others I have motivation that lasts for a couple days.

These mini fitness journeys keep me somewhat active and some day when my schedule gets more "normal" I hope I can set a routine for myself to combine all of these minis into one large journey.

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