Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Beachbody Coaching

As of August 10, 2016 (seven days ago), I am a Beachbody coach. I've been following a handful of coaches on Instagram for months, and even connected with one on Facebook not too long ago. I ended up receiving that initial "Hey girl, I've been loving your page and I think you would be an excellent addition to my team, are you interested?" And to be completely honest, I dodged responding to it for quite awhile. Her message peaked my interest, but I really didn't have money to spend on anything at that moment, so I let the message go and later told her that I wasn't financially able to commit to Beachbody at that time.

Well, fast-forward a couple of months, I have two part-time jobs with a steady income and thought "I can splurge on myself now." So I contacted her again and asked what Beachbody was all about and what it takes to be a coach. Long story short, here I am. I just had my first official call with my coach, and it has set my day up for success. I have a planning binder that I finally got to putting together yesterday, and so far it's helping me so much. In the beginning there's a bunch of basic information and goal sheets, and toward the back there are daily entries. It's helping me check in every now and then and helping my business grow.

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