Sunday, November 26, 2017

SOME People Make Me Lose Faith in this World

If you are one of my Instagram followers, you might be looking forward to this post. To make it easier to identify, I have used the same picture for both locations, and will post this same image on Instagram when this post is up.

So here's why SOME people make me lose faith in this world.

I get done with classes early on Fridays, so I agreed to do some grocery shopping for my mom after class. I was at Aldis in Tomah. I had been e-mailing my academic adviser about my schedule, and she asked if she could call me to talk things through. I agreed and gave her my cell phone number. Shortly after sending, she called me and we spent a little over six minutes on the phone. During that time, I got a phone call. When I glanced at it, I thought it said "Mom," so I decided that I would wait and call her back when I was done talking with my adviser. Once my adviser hung up, I hit "redial" and my phone started calling "Farm." I was confused so I hung up and checked my recent calls, it showed that the farm had called me. I wasn't sure what was up so I called the farm and my grandma answered and asked if I was okay. When I said yes, she kept asking, and then she asked if I was in trouble or needed money. I again assured her that I was okay and she said she had gotten a call from someone saying I had been in a car accident with a rental car and needed $4000 right away. "I" asked her not to tell anyone about it. They wanted her to go to Sam's Club to send money, but she told them that she doesn't drive in La Crosse. Once they heard that, they dropped the cash amount to $2000 and told her that she could get two gift cards from Walmart and put $1000 on each and that would work just fine. She had been on the phone with them for about 45 minutes, and she explained the situation to my grandpa. "It sounds like a scam to me," he replied, but grandma insisted that she needed to help me, so he agreed to drive her. Within the couple of minutes that I missed her call, she and my grandpa were getting ready to head to Walmart. Luckily, I called back just in time and saved her a lot of money. Once we hung up, she called the cops and told them what had happened and gave them the phone number that she had been given.

These strangers almost cost my grandparents $2000. It's money that they really could not afford to just give up. For me, it was terrifying because I would have blamed myself forever if the phone call with my professor would have cost them all that money. You see, small family farming does not make you rich, and they cannot afford to just throw money away. I am so thankful that I was able to call her back and stop her from going to Walmart. The people who come up with these scams are just horrible. They prey on the elderly because they know that grandparents will drop everything to help their grandchildren. We are just lucky that this happened and we were able to catch it. We have discussed the situation with everyone in the family and agreed that we would not keep secrets from each other. Spread the word about this new phone scam and save your grandparents from having this kind of experience!

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