Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Years "Resolutions"

Here it is, the last couple of hours of 2017! It has been a great year and I am looking forward to 2018. Let's see how long I'll be signing my pay stubs, cards, and checks with the wrong year!

I am doing things a little differently with my New Years "Resolutions" this year. Each year people post their resolutions, and by the end of January, many of those resolutions have crashed and burned. So this year, instead of setting myself up for failure, I'm going to do a 2018 Bucket List.

Here is a list of things that I hope to do in 2018:
  • Go to a Corn Maze
  • Pack Up & Go Vacation
  • Complete Two Rounds of Country Heat
  • Complete One Round of T25
  • Get a Gym Membership
  • See the Holiday Train
  • Get Couples Pictures
  • Host a Bonfire
  • Pay it Forward Once a Month
  • Have a Water Balloon fight
  • Take a Photography Class
  • Go Camping
  • Read "The Love Dare"
  • Road Trip to Minnesota
  • Meal Plan
  • Make at Least One Blog Post per Month
  • Create a Senior Scrapbook for Gavin
  • Clean Up Pinterest
  • Fill the Bed of the Pickup with Pillows and Lay under the Stars
  • Start a Bullet Journal
  • Track Migraines
  • Road Trip to Michigan
  • Get a Daith Piercing in May
  • Start a Photography Project
  • Get another Tattoo in May
  • Buy another Camera
  • Send Out Birthday Cards
  • Go to the Rotary Lights
  • Go Hiking
  • Go to a Pumpkin Patch
  • Create a Scrapbook of Dusty and I
  • Go to an Apple Orchard
  • Take Dusty to a Concert
  • Go on a Monthly Date Night
  • Make a Blog Post for Photography Sessions
  • Go Ice Skating
  • Go Snowmobiling
  • Go to the Beach
  • Play Sand Volleyball
  • Make a Backdrop Holder for Photography
  • Go Mini Golfing
  • See a Waterfall
  • Play Paint Twister
  • Road Trip to Iowa

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