Saturday, December 2, 2017

My Boyfriend

Each time my boyfriend notices that I'm making a blog post he asks if it's about him, so here's the first post dedicated just to him.

This guy means the world to me, and we haven't even known each other for a year yet. We have come a long way since adding each other on Facebook in late December 2016, then on Snapchat, and then agreeing to meet on New Years Eve at the party at his house. He was so persistent that we were dating, even though I insisted that I wanted to be single until the summer. I finally caved in and on March 10, 2016 we began dating. One school finished up in May, I started moving in and was fully moved in by June. It's been a roller coaster as we navigate life and living together.

Dusty having a full time job and working anywhere between 40-72 hours each week, and myself spending up to 17 hours on campus and 10 -22 hours at work each week makes for a tough time. We both come home pretty tired most days, and we've been trying to cut back on our fast food intake. I recently made a couple of freezer meals for the crock pot and hopefully we will try them soon! We are also planning to get back into working out. I made a plan for December using 3 different workout plans that I found on Pinterest, and Dusty is planning to start T25!

And a final shout out for my amazing boyfriend, he handles my mood swings so well. This final picture is from Thanksgiving day. I had gotten my hair cut the day before, shorter than it's ever been, and I didn't anticipate on having to do so much to give it some body. I asked Dusty to help me straighten it, but he didn't come right away so I finished up by myself. Once he came, he started braiding it, but he didn't really have any plan so I got frustrated and we just left. He just rolls with the mood swings and I'm so thankful for him.

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